Getting Closer to your Mega Project Problem

Bushra Arif
3 min readAug 14, 2020

Food security issue has become a significant worry for the whole world. The issue of ongoing yearning which has expanded throughout the decades on the planet unmistakably shows that the world doesn’t have adequate measure of food to take care of the individuals. The issue is additionally intensify by factors like impacts of environmental change, unsteady worldwide economy, less farming, rising neediness and instability in food costs. In this way, these components have carried new difficulties to the world for delivering and providing persistent staple food to the individuals. Food security issue has become a significant worry for the whole world.

With the world’s population expected to reach almost 10 billion by 2050, demand for food is set to increase by 70 percent over the coming decades, according to UN organization of Food and Agriculture. If i talk about my country Pakistan , we have began to see widespread incidence of malnutrition, which had until now largely impacted the youngest children. Now the Food and Agriculture Organization is telling that the area under cultivation has stagnated at just around 25 percent of the total land area of the country, and food output is not going to be able to keep pace with the rapid population increases. Due to overpopulation Pakistan used to be called an agricultural country because its province Punjab had 60% land used for farming which is now reduced up-to 30% land because of excessive need of residential area for the settlement of the people.

Due to pandemic we have experienced all around the world that due to lock down people are bounded at their homes and unemployment escalated. While lock downs have led to a collapse in demand for durable goods and discretionary services, the opposite is true of food. In cities around the world, reports of panic buying and food hoarding have multiplied since the pandemic began.

Problem Statement

Due to over population we are expecting Food crisis in Pakistan around 2030.What is our plan? And if a pandemic like Corona Virus arises again how we are going to tackle it?


Keeping this problem in mind i will propose the idea of ‘’Urban Agriculture’’.

Urban agriculture is the practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around urban areas. My idea is to promote Urban Agriculture in Lahore . As we know that most people in Lahore don’t gardens of their own . We will promote roof , balcony and backyard cultivation .

Idea for Urban Agriculture

To understand more about Urban agriculture i contacted Dr. Saima ( PHD in plant pathology from Daejeon University, South Korea) she told me that in Lahore we have to promote the cultivation of vegetables that can be grown above the surface like Legumes, Greens and cole vegetables. These types can be grown over roofs and balconies very easily.

Plan For Business

Usage of Plastic Bottles and Wasted Containers

We will use plastic bottles and wasted containers to grow these type of vegetable in it.

Cultivation through Plastic Bottle

After the plant is at its Flowering stage that’s when we will start marketing it to our target audience. Our target audience is mainly Pakistani housewives .

Value Preposition

Our main motto is to make every household self-sufficient food producer to tackle the crisis when it arises.


We will be marketing your idea and product through social media marketing and also by using v-loggers and other influencers to help us in this cause.

Product and design

The product will be of low cost around Rs 300/- to Rs 500/- . The package will include product and a catalog in which our potential customer will get in depth detail and knowledge about plant cultivation process.

Benefit of the Project

Through this project we can prepare ourselves even before the crisis arises.

